
A final food budget...

I think that we have settled on a food budget after our monthly struggle trying to wrestle the budget down to one dollar per person per day. I think that the kinds of sacrifices that we have to make to get there start to interfere with other parts of our value system. For instance, I couldn't shop anywhere other than Aldi, and that store is on the other side of town. No walking and no stopping by on the way home for milk. I read on Ariah's blog that he allowed 100 dollars per person for food in his $1000 monthly budget, and I figure we can cut that in half. Of course, two of our people barely eat, so that has a huge impact. I am capping our food budget at $200 per month, knowing that some months will require more money than others, and I am hoping to average $180. So that's that.

Our weekly bible study is evaluating the spiritual disciplines along with our walk thought the book of Luke, so I am trying to use that as a springboard to be more intentional about this blog. I have to admit, it has been only a little better than a failure so far, but I am still trying to create a rhythm that will lend itself to more disciplined living. I am, sorry to say, a long way off.

I think I will go read a bit and say a prayer. Small steps, you know. Small steps.

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