
redrawing the map...

I have revamped the list of spiritual disciplines at the right. I got ahold of a copy of "Celebration of Disciplines," by Richard Foster, and have been trying to get more focused and specific. The first four are what Foster would describe as inward disciolines. The next five are the disciplines and the last four are hte outward discilplines, and the last four are the corporate disciplines. I started the Disciple II bible study last night, so I have some extra accountability in the area of study, and I have found a partner to begin fishing with, which I hope to learn as a tool to accomplish several of the other disciplines. I am realizing that the most powerful tool in exercising these disciplines is rhythm (or routine, however you wish to define it for yourself) and I am going to woek on finding my own rhythm in the next few weeks. So much to do, so much to do.

Right now, its off to the park with the kids.

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