
reading first...

I have made it a point in the last few days to sit down and read from my bible rather than sitting down and typing on this blog. I want to implement a daily regiment of scripture reading, and if I sit down at the computer it will never get done. So, I think that will be my new routine. Before I sit down at my desk, I will sit down on the couch and read from the Bible. If I don't have time to read, then I don't have time to write. That is what I will work on in September, and I can easily report on my progress, because If I end up here it will only be after I have made time to implement my plan. If you see no posts in September, its because the plan isn't working.

I am doing a lot of exciting stuff right now. I have just started a blog with my father, which will be an interesting endeavor and not something every son gets an opportunity to participate in. I am also working with the audio/video team at our church and will possibly be building and connecting teams to encourage the creative process and help nurture the program. I am meeting with some folks tonight about it. Also, I am hoping to post my first podcast next week, "The Brown Tent." and I will be filling you all in on how to subscribe to it. (Ariah, perhaps we can find time in your busy moving schedule to chat about that. And maybe you would like to contribute.) The community in Nashville is winding down, with the Burts moving into their new apartment and starting their new life together and the departure of the Fines, on their way to Minnesota. I believe Chris has already left and Josh will be heading out at the end of the month, though he is staying in Nashville. I will say small prayers today for all of their safe journeys and for a continued relationship with some of the best friends I have ever had.

1 comment:

Daniel and Amanda Burt said...

great idea...doing something you NEED to do before something you WANT to do. not that you don't want to read your bible, but you get the point. it's the kind of motivation kids get, do your homework BEFORE you can play video game. heh

amanda and i have only been reading at night, but i also like the idea of starting one's day with scripture. thanks, keep it up.